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Issue Running Remnux/crits On Docker Ce For Mac

'I'm having some issues with getting a partial SELECT clause that I'm using as a BIND variable to show up in my SQL Selection Correctly. %BIND does not expect (therefore it does not process) SQL statements to be in the bound variable. It expects, instead, to find a value.

Issue running remnux/crits on Docker CE for Mac and Ubuntu #18. I have tried running this container on Docker for Mac but it keeps spitting out an error. Creating Docker Images for REMnux Please contribute to the REMnux® collection of Docker images of malware analysis applications. You’ll get a chance to experiment with Docker, become a master at setting up an application of your choice and expand the set of tools that other professionals can conveniently run for examining malicious software. 29 Docker security tools compared. By Mateo Burillo. Use Cases: Runtime protection, Mandatory Access Control (MAC). From its homepage you can instantly see the results of ~250 checks for your running Docker containers and the host running the Docker engine (Docker CE or Docker Swarm).

In this case, if you were to execute: UWXFAENRLAET.UWXACPROGCRIT='SOMETHING'; Then the statement would evaluate to (ending with) AND B.ACADPROG IN ( 'SOMETHING' ) (note the apostrophes. They're critical.) You can achieve something like this by storing your variable in another SQL object (see StoreSQL), and then referencing that SQL:%Select(EMPLID) SELECT DISTINCT A.EMPLID,B.ACADPROG FROM PSSTDNTAIDATRBT A, PSACADPROG B WHERE A.EMPLID = B.EMPLID AND A.AIDYEAR =%Bind(AIDYEAR) AND A.ACADCAREER = B.ACADCAREER AND A.ACADCAREER IN ( SELECT C.ACADCAREER FROM PSUWXFAACPROG C ) AND B.ACADPROG IN (%SQL(new-sql-object-name) ) D. Is it possible to just do partial SQL Select? Evaluate &sACProgSel When = 'A' StoreSQL('AND B.ACADPROG IN (SELECT D.ACADPROG FROM PSUWXFAACPROG D)', SQL.SQLACPROGSEL); When = 'S' StoreSQL('AND B.ACADPROG IN (' &sACProg ')', SQL.SQLACPROGSEL); End-Evaluate; Maria K Lindquist Programmer/Analyst - Financial Aid University of Wisconsin-Extension Continuing Education, Outreach & E-Learning 5602 Research Park Blvd, Suite 300 Madison, WI PH: 608-265-9799 EM: email@removed. I'm getting this error with my SQL and I don't know what I did wrong.


I followed the syntax. I'm not updating anything. I'm just trying to get a selection. Unable to commit managed object in StoreSQL. There are already some pending Database updates. (2,904) UWXCURENRL.MAIN.GBL.default.1900-01-01.ShowRC.OnExecute PCPC:1919 Statement:22 2015-07-14-16.75 DoStepActions 1856 Exception logged: RC=100. Process 2523670 ABENDED at Step UWXCURENRL.MAIN.ShowRC (PeopleCode) - RC = 8 (108,524) Maria K Lindquist.

Issue Running Remnux/crits On Docker Ce For Mac

Sounds like you need an interim temp table. You could populate the table either with your state record value, or insert all rows from your other table.

That way your sql can just reference the contents of the temp table without needing to handle all this other stuff. If this does not appeal then the other chance is to use the%BIND(, NOQUOTES) function. You will then need to turn your bind into a ' SELECT ' aetfieldvalue ' from dual ' string and then either submit the SELECT FROM MYREC string or the SELECT 'VALUE' FROM DUAL string. This is what I meant to suggest.

So I decided to break out the Evaluate PeopleCode into it's own action and the 'When = A' worked with StoreSQL but now the 'When=S' doesn't work - it is finding an empty expression. File: e: pt85315b-retail peopletools src psappeng aedebug.hSQL error. Break is optional as far as requirement is concerned. Due to the unique way that PC Evaluate works (as opposed to 'case' and similar in other languages), it is often useful to use break.

Issue Running Remnux/crits On Docker Ce For Mac Download

For example, in the following: &var = 5; Evaluate &var When 1 /. This will be executed./ &var = 10; When. The problem is with the quotes I'm sure- I tried every single combination of quotes.